nara's instagram

6 posts 147 following 166 followers
jung nara
Love yourself instead of loving the idea of other people loving you
about me

she / her
infp - t
libra gang
12 oct 06

before you follow
• i tweet alot at night
• i support all nct units
• very loud about my ults
• i tweet everything i want
• sometimes i use harsh word
• dm me if i do something wrong
• if you don't like me feel free to bub or dm me
• mostly tweet about nct, blackpink, exo & WayV
• i'll do soft block & bub if i feel uncomfy with you
• i like to change my ava so u better remember my uname!
• I'm a minor, so please use tw if it's not appropriate for me to see
• i get triggered easily so use trigger warning if ur tweet contains sensitive content
don't follow if you
• problematic
• my rl friends
• like to join fanwar
• if you heavy rt bot
• if you islamophobic
• mputjen / sangezen
• racist & homophobic
• if you rl acc or rp acc
• if you call me meng, hyung, a
• if you don't won't to interact with me
nara likes

listening music, novels, sleep, black and white, sweet food, americano, vanilla latte, movies, editing, interact with mutuals, make new friends
nara dislike

I hate being ignored, tl messy, problematic, annoying person, fanwar, someone who pits one another, noisy, islamophobic, stubborn, mputjen
nara ults


oh sehun
oh sehun exo

jennie kim
jennie kim blackpink

jung jaehyun
jung jaehyun nct

RT 06
kezia, dindoy, audy, acha, lexa, cha, cikgu nayla, kusdew, nindy, naisy, empok
linn, hani, depi, icaaa, ash / echa, ica issa, alana, karin, aza, valeria, darin, rara, anne, syeana, alin / ale, bee, keii, alaska, zahira, han, alya, joo, mira, tara, jejey
naw, ocaa, lia, nana, dija, jeje, elin, micha, vira, dyah, vinda, el, motor, bil, angela, jevina, ri, mentos, salfa, lina, rindu, nisa, dew, ara, rara, sysi, dea, kamila, ocha, cicaa, jaraa, rifaa, nad, ndahe, shyf, fisa, ray, vale, ntang, rev, kia, val, akira, nabila, gita, echak, farr, aster, ren, jean, yan, meyy, rani, sayla, chantika, rere, wawa, vivi, via, kiara, sifa, dipa, kirey, len, din, nay, mer, alice, felia, helena, tim, poe, repa, sinta, misel, sin, noi, alika, vanea, alif, zahra, nadinn, anya, fasya, riri, chei, sullon, adisa, ica, sasha, ble, karin, cikaw, vies, ama, mimi, kina, nal, sasa, al, afa, brili, jean, fif, alea, oji, thiraa

hi if your name is not here it doesn't mean i don't love you, i love all my moots ♡ please take care of your health & don't forget to eat regularly !! if you need a friend to talk you can knock my dm & thanks for being my moots ily !! <3